Okay full disclosure, this post was originally going to be called “January Updates” and then that seemed like a wildly banal name for a blog post, so then I thought I’d get creative with “the dead of winter” and named it what I did. I’m sure “In the Life of Winter” is equally overdone, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hope everyone’s doing well in January. Ours has been low-key but fantastic. Katie and Jo flew to the east coast for a week to visit her family, and I took advantage of that time by doing a ton of recording for upcoming projects. No release timetable yet, but we’ve laid foundation for 6 new tracks, which is obviously extremely exciting for someone whose typical album cycle is 3 years. The band got together and arranged a few of the tunes I’ve written, so we’re slowly rolling those out at shows…keep your ears peeled. I’m sure they’ll keep evolving before we commit them to a recording.
I’ve played four shows this month, and we had an exceptionally cool one at Allegorie in Murphys. Anthony set it up, and we were a little nervous about doing a real “acoustic music night” where we charged a cover, slightly departed from our usual setlist, and featured an opener (the amazing Somer Moon Doyle), but, per usual, Murphys delivered and we had a fantastic night. I think we’re expecting some high quality video and audio of that show to surface soon…I’ll keep you posted.
Over on the Patreon…
If you haven’t had a chance to visit the Patreon page I set up last fall, give it a shot! Some of the recent activity there includes:

- Two full recordings from live shows, including a full band show at Claimstake Brewing and a solo show in Mariposa
- Signed memorabilia giveaway
- “Get to Know A Lampolier” interviews with band members (and Katie)
- Evolution of a new song, from “Voice Memo” demo to band rehearsal to finished track (that last part’s forthcoming)
- I turned a tour of my Spotify Wrapped 2019 in to a radio show
If you’re interested in subscribing to Patreon, there are a ton of levels to do so, starting at $1 a month. Check it out at patreon.com/groveranderson
Peace Facebook!
On New Years Eve I posted that I was quitting Facebook, and I gotta say, it’s going great! I deleted my personal page, which I set up in June 2004. The downside is that you need a personal page to manage a music page, so the Grover Anderson Music page was temporarily orphaned, with Josh making sure no one abused it. Since then I’ve set up a dummy account that allows me to post shows, so I’m going to keep that up to date (gotta honor the “we post all our shows on facebook” lyric of “Frontman”!) but otherwise it’s safe to assume that page is dead. I don’t miss it for a second. Again, we can always stay connected on Patreon, Twitter, Instagram, or by email!
Upcoming Shows & Booking
Beyond all that above, I’m staying very busy booking the band for Spring and Summer. So far we’ve got a healthy mix of our usual Calaveras haunts and new house concerts. Brice Station invited us back after our rainout last year, so go ahead and block out Memorial Day Saturday to come out for that one. If you’re interested in booking me or the band in any capacity, anywhere, get in touch!
I’m also hoping to host a short series of house concerts this year. We had an amazing time hosting The Riverside in Murphys last June, and we’ve already lined up The Rough & Tumble for a house concert April 26. More info to come on that, but since I haven’t seen as many concerts as I’d like lately, I’m excited to bring some of the music to me.
Well, that’s about it! Thanks for staying connected! Talk to you soon, but hopefully see you sooner.
Confused on how to keep up with you and all that is “shaking”
What is the best way to follow all that is shaking
A couple different ways:
—this site is always up to date
—apps like BandsInTown or Songkick can let you know when ALL your favorite artists are playing
—Most local shows will still be promoted by the venues on FB
—patreon is extremely cool
—I’ll post upcoming shows on Instagram
I realize none of these is as convenient as me posting directly to FB, but in order to make sure people see my posts, I need to keep paying them ~$5 a post to “expand the reach” to people who’ve already requested to see my posts. It’s a racket, and combined with all the other social irresponsibility they represent…I’m out and hoping more people will do the same.